Ep 099: Angel Ribo

The financial implications of starting your business, with Angel Ribo

Angel Ribo shares how he discovered his passion for entrepreneurship and transitioned away from corporate America to become an advisor to CEOs.

Three key juicy bits from this week’s episode:

  • Taking imperfect actions to get momentum going in your business today
  • Approaching marketing with an entrepreneurial mindset versus an employee mindset
  • Asking yourself the right questions to discover your focus as an entrepreneur

In this episode we discuss:

00:41                       An introduction to Angel Ribo

      •  Something most people don’t know about Angel [01:03]

05:10                        Why Angel left corporate America

      • What Angel specifically did not like about his old career [06:58]
      • Things about the business that misaligned with Angel’s values [09:46]

11:34                       Angel’s motivation behind starting his own business

      • Becoming a coach [16:43]

20:00                      The dangers of Shiny Object Syndrome

23:39                       Discovering your unique value proposition as an entrepreneur

27:25                       How Angel officially started his business and how he dealt with budgeting

31:05                       Finding the first client

34:23                       Keeping your personal finances in check as you build your business

39:04                       The state of Angel’s business today

42:27                       Angel’s employment and automation strategy

46:00                      Angel’s parting shot for aspiring or budding entrepreneurs who want to get to the top of their game

Links Mentioned:

Books Mentioned:


  • Take imperfect action now. As soon as you start taking massive action, things start to happen: you start making mistakes, and you start learning. Perfection is actually your worst enemy as an entrepreneur.
  • It’s all the complexity of the combination of all the experiences in our lives which makes our value proposition as entrepreneurs unique.
  • Revenues are vanity. Profits are sanity. Cashflow is reality.